Seymour – Preparations are under way for the 44th annual Seymour Christmas Parade, to be held Sunday, November 29th in downtown Seymour. The rain/snow date will be the next Sunday, December 6th. The Parade association president Robert Lang has issued a call for new units to take part in the parade. “We encourage area organizations such as girl scouts, brownies, cub scouts & boy scouts, youth groups, civic groups, churches, and businesses to help us welcome the holiday season in the valley by participating in this year’s event.”
As an incentive to participate,
trophies and ribbons are awarded each year in five categories. Children’s
marching units vie for the Sponheimer Trophy, sponsored by Miller-Ward Funeral
Home. The Mackenstein Trophy, sponsored by the Seymour Lion’s Club, is given to
the best children’s float. Adult floats
can capture the Isaacson Trophy, sponsored by American Legion Post 10, while
school groups are eligible to win the LoPresti Trophy, sponsored by Hot
Tops. The best new unit in the parade
will walk off with the Pelletier Trophy, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, which
is given in memory of the past president of the parade association, Ronald
Pelletier. In addition, all participants receive commemorative dated ribbons.
For more information or to enter a
unit in the parade, please contact Bob Lang, 203 888-6268 or rclang27@sbcglobal.net.
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