Monday, February 11, 2013

Seymour situation updated

From Kurt Miller's Facebook page:

Text of tonight's Code Red:
"This is Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller with a Storm update utilizing the Code Red System. 
Public Works crews along with several outside contractors have made tremendous progress today. 
While we have not opened every street yet, I expect that by tomorrow morning we should be very close. While we will be working again through the night, there are a few streets unfortunately that require special circumstances that we will not be able to accommodate until tomorrow. Those streets will get top priority. 
Once we have completed the process of opening the streets, we will begin the process of widening and cleaning them. I expect this process will take most of Tuesday and into Wednesday. As you know the streets at this point are quite narrow so I ask that if you need to be on the road, you please use caution especially when approaching an intersection. 
Seymour Public Schools will be closed tomorrow and more than likely on Wednesday as well. All municipal buildings will re-open tomorrow with the exception of the Library which will remain closed. 
I will be suspending garbage pick up until further notice and our Transfer Station will remain closed on Tuesday due to the conditions. Tomorrow, will we also begin the process of uncovering the fire hydrants. 
Any assistance by residents with this would be greatly appreciated. Finally, I have received many phone calls, emails, Facebook posts and texts. While I have done my best to try and call everyone back, I am behind because I spent so much time on the roads today out of the office. 
Please know we will be trying to touch base with everyone over the next few days. I know this has been a very difficult time for many folks, but I would like to say thank you for your continued patience as we worked through this process. Thank you and have a safe night."

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