Monday, March 4, 2013

CWV Auxiliary president recognized for service

From left are National CWV Director Michael Kasinskas, Derby Post 1562 Commander Thomas Voytek, Browning, incoming Post 1562 Auxiliary President Nancy Seeley,  National Auxiliary CWV President and State Second Vice President Sue Ranno. / Photo submitted by Markanthony Izzo. 

DERBY - Catholic War Veterans Post 1562 recently held a luncheon for Past Auxiliary President Evelyn Browning.
On hand were members from the Post as well as State CWV and National Officers as well as many of Browning's family and friends.

Browning recently stepped down after five years of service and was instrumental in organizing many of the Auxiliary's functions and children’s contests. She received citations of recognition both on the State and National level.  

This information is taken from a press release.

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